

Friday, January 9, 2015

Make your website more trust worthy

A new visitor to your website will decide whether to stay on site or leave within the first 15 seconds. You build your site, seo optimized it and visitors are coming to it but still facing problem to convert visitors into customers.  The problem can be that you need to make your website more trust worthy. Main purpose of website should be earning customer’s confidence. If the website appears disreputable, customers will take their business elsewhere.
There are three main areas of a website that you should work on in order to make it trust worthy.
·         Homepage and landing pages
·          Your product/service pages
·         Check out process
Website’s homepage/landing page is the first impression on its visitors, which means it is the first area you need to work if you want to avoid high bounce rate. Build your reputation by adding trustworthy detail on homepage such as when your company was found, show testimonials, show how many customers you have, show your social following, include live chat option etc.
 Once your site visitors have looked over your home page, hopefully they will move forward and look through your products/services. You must set up your product pages in a way that encourages trust in you products and you can do this by providing high quality images for products, show reviews and rating of products, display your shipping information, highlight your return policy etc.
When people selected products into shopping cart you must provide them secure and trustworthy payment options. Clearly display your security system and up to date SSL certificate.  
Remember these points if you want to make your website more trustworthy-
·         Include contact information on home page such as phone numbers, hours of operation, business mailing address, email addresses etc.
·         Provide about us page.
·         Include testimonials page on your website.
·         Provide most secure purchase to your visitors
·         Place certification and memberships details
·         Make sure that website load speed is fast
·         Allow reviews and rating for products/services
·         Include a live chat option on homepage
·         Show your social followings

So get to work now, do a little bit each day and you will have surely optimized your website for trust, and you will see your bounce rates decrease, conversion rates increase, and your shopping cart abandonment decrease.

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