You have got a beautiful looking mobile responsive website made for your business that uses breathtaking parallex effects, amazing infographics and great content. After the site goes live, you share it on your facebook wall and text the link to your friends and family. But is that all? Having a site done will not get you business alone. Its like getting a Getting the site ready is just 50% of the work done. The pending 50% is done popularizing your website online by doing the following:
1) Publish content: Publish well written content in the form of blog posts, forum posts, articles and wikis. Create a blog on your site as well and publish there regularly. Google likes sites that publish fresh and original content.
2) Ask for reviews: Ask your current and past customers to review your business, products and services online. Add a review and feedback section on your site where you can request your customers to rate your service or product on various parameters and write their comments. Make it a easy to fill form. Post the review on your site and other reviews website.
3) Get social: Publish new content in the form of helpful articles, offers, latest happenings, news etc on twitter, facebook etc., Make it interactive so that readers leave comment.
4) Get news worthy: Publish press releases to formally intrdocue services, products and your company to the world.
5) Get Videos: Videos that inform you cusstomers on how your products work or how a service solves a problem is a great way of marketing. You could have videos on any theme including help guides or trouble shooting videos for your products for which your customers contact you quiet often. You can post such videos on various free video publishing websites like vimeo, youtube etc.,