On Page optimization refers to making some changes on the website to improve its performance on the search engines, conversions and web user experience. These changes are made after a thorough review of the website and normally include the following:
a) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) –This covers finding the best “searched for keywords” and optimizing the website and its content for those keywords.
b) Optimizing the structural aspects – A lot of times websites have some structural issues which can act as hindrance in the proper indexing of the website. For example: website made in Frames, content in flash etc.,
c) Optimizing for accessibility and usability – Making the website easily accessible and usable for all kinds of web users. For example: Some websites are not compatible with all popular web browsers, some pages take a lot of time to load etc.,
d) Optimizing for a good user experience: This includes making the website more user friendly by optimizing and updating the content, navigation structure, design, call for actions etc., and adding additional helpful features like tour pages etc.,
The users should be able to find any information on the website with ease, have control and would want to stay on the website and return back to it again and again.
This also includes making sure that the website is communicating the right message to the target audience, is creating the desired brand image, is in tandem with the advertising campaigns etc.,
The above would make a good on page optimization campaign. The effectiveness of the on page optimization campaign has to be evaluated on a regular basis and on the basis of the results it has to be tweaked and updated.